Friday, June 5, 2009

Number Three

First And Final Thought: I am proud to say that I have not cheated once in my life. Sure, in statistics, we had a copy of an old quiz to look over once - but just go ahead and ask me what my grade was.. yes, somewhere in the 70s. I may ask for assistance here or there or give assistance here or there, but that is the extent of my "cheating". Therefore, I have come to the shocking conclusion that I am just good at charades. It happens. I'm good and charades and math - that's it. The last game of charades I played got quite competitive. I will admit, I did ask for help one time. I yelled across the house "WHO PLAYS TOMMYBOY?" to my brother because I forgot the actors name. I didn't win points, no worries. Other than that, it was fair and square. It just so happens that I enjoy watching movies, reading gossip, and I have watched more SportsCenter in my life than ALL of my other TV shows combined over the last 17 years. To all other players, excellent game. Maybe we shall play again. Anyone want to share a pizza?
That's just one story - stay tuned for more!


  1. hahahhaha i just kid when i say you cheat at the edge life charades :)

  2. I SO wanted to beat you! Not physically...

  3. Haha this is really funny. Get ready for more games coming soon!
