Sunday, July 26, 2009

Number Five

I only have one "emotional" thought today...
The other day, someone compared me to another person. They labeled me "emotional" while the other person was labeled "logical". Typically, emotional has a negative connotation, am I right? But I got to thinking. I would rather be emotional than logical any day. In fact, I feel bad for the ones that live their lives with no feeling and base everything off of pure logic. I would rather be angry, sad, frustrated, and emotional than to be numb to everything around me. What do you learn without feeling? Sure, you may have every literary device memorized or maybe you can recite a 150 line poem off the top of your head. You have the ability to expand your brain - congrats! But is that it? By feeling, I learn things every single day that a strictly logical person would never have the chance to learn. I'd rather have my heart broken and stand up stronger than to never understand what it feels like to fall. So maybe "emotional" was supposed to be a bad thing - but I can't say I agree. "Logical" lives through books and fact. "Emotional" lives through life and experience. Which one looks better now, huh?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Number Four

Wow, it has been a while...
First Thought: Beach week. Beach week. Beach week. Wow. Many things probably aren't very suitable to put on this page. The sunshine, however, was EXCELLENT! And I spent most of my nights watching some fabulous TV and making sweet bracelets. Many, many bracelets. So beach week with the seniors was WILD and ridiculous. The only "real wild" thing I did was get my second hole pierced in my ear - CRAZY! But everyone else provided me with the... entertainment..? Directly after that week, I went down to Rodanthe to spend a week with my mom's side of the family. We always have a blast. You would have to know my family to understand. But, a nice tan and 23 bug bites later, I had to come home. I worked the Fourth Of July at Ida Lee only a few short hours after I arrived home. You think the fireworks are all fun and dandy? Well, they used to be for me. But after pouring out about 17 angry people's alchohol and picking up trash from 10:00pm until 11:15pm, the Ida Lee fireworks are no longer enjoyable. Thanks Town of Leesburg for my employment!
Second Thought: Graduation is over. And suddenly I am already preparing for orientation. IT'S RIDICULOUS! I have orientation on July 13th (that is 5 days away). I find out about my roommate on August 1st (that is 25 days away). I move into my JMU dorm on August 18th (that is 42 days away). Classes start on August 24th (that is 48 days away). THIS IS JUST UNBELIEVABLE! It is all happening so fast! A part of me is really excited. But, then there is the side of me that is a little.. hesitant. But, I guess we will just see what happens.
Final Thought: Summer Corn Chowder is back at Panera. Unfortunately, I'm being forced to "save money for college", pshhh. I don't know how I am going to make this work. I am a regular at Panera over the summer. Last year, one guy took my order so many times, he knew my name. Summer Corn Chowder is what I look forward to throughout the entire year. Now that I am being forced to save the money I have earned, I have no idea how I am going to make this work!! It is driving me CRAZY! I don't really want to take up more shifts at work than I already do - a person can only handle so much cleaning a week. I figured maybe I could break into my graduation money? But I also figure that is not what was intended when those checks were written. Oh the hardships in life.
That's just one story - stay tuned for more.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Number Three

First And Final Thought: I am proud to say that I have not cheated once in my life. Sure, in statistics, we had a copy of an old quiz to look over once - but just go ahead and ask me what my grade was.. yes, somewhere in the 70s. I may ask for assistance here or there or give assistance here or there, but that is the extent of my "cheating". Therefore, I have come to the shocking conclusion that I am just good at charades. It happens. I'm good and charades and math - that's it. The last game of charades I played got quite competitive. I will admit, I did ask for help one time. I yelled across the house "WHO PLAYS TOMMYBOY?" to my brother because I forgot the actors name. I didn't win points, no worries. Other than that, it was fair and square. It just so happens that I enjoy watching movies, reading gossip, and I have watched more SportsCenter in my life than ALL of my other TV shows combined over the last 17 years. To all other players, excellent game. Maybe we shall play again. Anyone want to share a pizza?
That's just one story - stay tuned for more!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Number Two

First Thought: In art today, Krista asked me if I wanted to go to South Street. Of course, automatic response, I said yes. I mean, really. Is that even a legit question? But there was a dilemma involving one James Madison University Alumni Scholarship that was due by 5:00pm today. So I rushed home to finish that, scooped up Krista, and headed over to our fabulous hangout. It was planned that Jeffrey, Jenny, and Sid were going to join us. As we arrived, so did Jeffrey. So, obviously, we walked in together. Beth asked us if we wanted to look at menus. That's just ridiculous - OBVIOUSLY I already knew what I wanted. Krista chose to get a menu anyway. Weird. Then Beth proceeded to pick up a menu and tell us that the specials were up on *waving the menu in the air* the special's board. I was definitely beginning to question her sanity. Turns out, I'm the oblivious one. The specials board read, "Sarah K. PROM?". DUH! Now my dear, beloved friend, Jeffrey Ingram, is my date to prom. Fabulousss!! Whata babe. Ladies, be jealous.
Second Thought: Seniors, class of 2009, are getting completely ripped off. Typically, our formal cap and gown picture as a class are taken outside on the BEAUTIFUL front lawn. But, of course not. It's going to be rainy and sixty degrees tomorrow - COOL! So we will get to take our pictures in the main gym - YEAH! - unless, by some miracle, it stops raining long enough to get approximately 350 unfocused seniors to listen to one, meesly photographer - yeah right. Along with that, the seniors also get their yearbooks and get to hang out for a picnic on the front lawn. Keep in mind, our schools front lawn is beautiful. The columns and everything - perfect opportunity for some great memory pictures. But, if it rains, we go into the main gym. If it doesn't rain... WHO CARES! We still have to go to the football field and hang out in the stunning, metal bleachers! Ripped off? I think so. Let's start a riot.
Third Thought: Tonight, my mom was making me study for my government exam that I have to take. Booooooo. This Friday, during Raider Rally, I must be put through the pain of guessing the answers to approximately 100 multiple choice questions. But, the real question: if you were a teacher, would you HONESTLY make seniors take final exams? Our grades all have to be turned in by 9:00am June 15th. We don't even technically have to be in school then! And even if we have to take certain exams (like my government exam this Friday) we shouldn't have to come to the class anymore simply because we missed a day or two. I mean, really. I had the flu. How dare I not come to school and get every other child sick? So lame.
Final Thought: I'm looking for someone who is willing to knock me out at night time.. any takers? For the last two weeks, I haven't gotten a consecutive 2 hours of sleep. It's one hour asleep, one hour awake. Continue that pattern over and over again, every night. Lovely, right? I discussed this issue with both Danny (an insomniac) and Krista (she just likes to sleep a lot). Danny suggested reading a very boring book. I started thinking that maybe I'd read my government book? But that just doesn't sound AT ALL tempting. I then asked Krista for her opinion on various things, such as Tylenol PM and Nyquil. She informed me that Nyquil gives you restless leg syndrome if you don't actually have a cold - Bad Idea. So I've settled for Tylenol PM. The only problem is, we don't have any.. So I will, again, go another night without much sleep. Gotta love it.
That's just one story - stay tuned for more =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Number One

Yes, I've joined the club..
First and foremost: for those that claim blogs to be just "attention getters", feel free to click on that red X at the top right corner of this screen. Your presence isn't needed.
I have a lot of thoughts. A lot of them. Not all of them are going to be liked. And, frankly, I don't really feel that I need to apologize. But for future reference, even when I'm frustrated and upset, my friends are my friends. No matter what, "'til death do us part", I'll be there for them. A couple of thoughts won't change that.
First Thought: I've thought about this before, but now is the time I'm going to bring it up. Why is it such a big deal how people choose to spend their time or live their life? Earlier this year, it really frustrated me when people got all caught up in a friend's decision to change their life. This guy, friends with everyone, just chose to switch up the way he was living. He chose to make a few changes. And everyone got all pissy about it. The biggest thing I didn't get though - there were so many other people who had already made that change, so why him. Why bug out about him? That's an old thought.
Second Thought: I'm getting baptized this Sunday and, yeah, I'm a little bit terrified. All the attention and everything. But I think it is such a cool thing. A lot of things have changed for me over the last couple of years, better yet, the last 6 months. I see everything a little differently now. I'm still the same person, I have just switched up some of my priorities.
Third Thought: Prom. So, it's senior year. We've been through four crazy years of high school, AP exams, field trips, successes, and failures. Now, we are getting down to the end. Thursday is our Senior Awards Ceremony. We get to see who get's what scholarships and what not. Then all the seniors hang out for the rest of the day and do yearbooks (of course in our college t-shirts). This weekend is my best friend of 12 years' graduation. I'm so excited for her but also SO jealous she's already finished. Then I have some grad parties to attend, two exams (but hopefully one) to take, and then one of the much anticipated nights: senior prom. Okay, but really. Hate to burst the bubble of your ideal prom, but what's the big deal about it? It's just a high school dance, not in the school building, $40 more expensive (not to mention the price of a tux, dress, limo, dinner, etc.). The only really good thing about it is the chocolate fountain. Other than that, what makes it so special? But, even so, all the girls will get together and get ready (yes, me included). Unfortunately this year, I'm probably one of the only ones - out of MANY - that is dateless. And, as much as I hate to say it, it sucks. Like, kind of upsets me. To the future - I'm sure I'll get over it. Just turn on some music and dance the night away =)
Fourth Thought: I've been waiting years for June 20th to come. Caps, gowns, cameras, and friends. As excited as I am to get out of this town I've been stuck in for 17 years, I'm not sure if I'm really all that ready to go. Sure, I can't wait to get out of my mom's leash. But leaving my friends? These are the people I put all my heart and effort into. The people that I would drop anything for, it doesn't matter what I am doing or what the numbers read on my clock. The people, a majority at least, that I have gone through all of school with. Around August, we will all go our separate ways. That's a little terrifying, am I right? Sure, I'm going to James Madison - also known as "Thirteenth Grade" - but that doesn't include everyone. My best friend, the guy who came into my life at the exact right time and who saved my life (if you don't already know, maybe this story will come out sometime), he is going to school across the country. Everytime I think about it, it sucks. He'll come home a couple of times during the year, then a short summer, and then he will be leaving to go on a two-year mission. So, even if we tried, we are most likely going to grow apart. I'm one who always believes that things happen for a reason, even if it seems stupid and ridiculous at the time. But it's hard to imagine that growing apart from your best friend is supposed to happen. That's a change that I'm not ready for I don't think. But I guess that's gotta change.
Final Thought: If you didn't like this, I'm sorry. Criticism not desired. If you want to disagree, do it on your own time, not on mine. I think what I think and believe what I believe. I'm sorry if that doesn't please you. That's just one story - stay tuned for more =)